The Happy Medium Approach with Horses 

Crafting Adaptive Pathways for Personal Growth and Relational Harmony

Schedule a Collaborative Consultation

A Journey of Meaningful Discovery with Horses

Our Compassionate Mission
At the heart of our mission lies a balanced exploration of emotions, seeking, discovering, and evaluating personal growth becomes a shared journey with the gentle guidance of horses.

The Essence of Horses

Seeking Connections: Horses invite us into a realm of emotional depth, encouraging children to seek understanding within themselves and their environments.

Joyful Discoveries: Through engaging interactions, children discover the joy of learning, nurturing a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Evaluating Strength: With each step, children and horses evaluate progress together, turning challenges into opportunities for resilience and confidence.

Personalized Paths of Exploration

We honor the individual journey of each child, weaving a tapestry of experiences that resonate with their emotional landscape and foster a deep sense of belonging:

Tailored Exploration: Our approach seeks to understand your child's unique essence, discovering and adapting learning experiences to fit their evolving needs.

Intuitive Guidance: Through the intuitive bond with horses, children are guided to discover new territories, evaluating their feelings and responses in a nurturing environment.

Adaptive Growth: Our program continually evolves, ensuring children have the space to seek, discover, and reflect on their meaningful journey, supported by the unwavering patience and understanding of our equine partners.

Begin an Enriching Quest
Step Into Discovery: Embark on an enlightening path where seeking knowledge, discovering joy, and evaluating personal growth intertwine. Reach out to us to start this heart-opening journey with The Happy Medium Approach.

Explore, Reflect, Grow: Engage in a transformative exploration with our equine guides, where every moment is an opportunity for deep connection, reflective learning, and personal evolution. Let your child discover the powerful balance between light-hearted joy and the depth of meaningful understanding.

Coaching and Barn Cost



per hour



per visit

Access to effective resources is a huge value for our team!  Our resources should be accessible to everyone, and we do offer a sliding scale.  If you feel comfortable with our resources at a lower rate, let's talk about it, and try to come up with a number that works for everyone.