Breaking Free from Traditional Parent Training: Unlock the potential of innovative strategies with The Relentless Parent

Are you ready for an appetitive approach to parent training? We understand that the traditional methods of holding parents accountable can sometimes feel discouraging and ineffective. It can be disheartening to hear the same excuses over and over again. But don't worry, we're here to tell you that there is a better way. Let us introduce you to The Relentless Parent, an innovative and empowering approach to parent training by The Happy Medium Approach.

Through the lens of Psychological Flexibility, Positive Psychology, and Evolutionary Science with the DNA-V approach developed by Hayes and Ciarrochi, we offer our support in helping parents discover their true selves both as individuals and as parents. We believe that by connecting with their core values, parents can embark on a beautiful journey of reducing chaos and creating shared joy for their family.

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