

As a parent, it can be challenging to balance your own needs with those of your child. It's important to show up authentically for yourself and your child in a consistent, evidence-informed way. The Relentless Parent is a Happy Medium Approach, guide to help you do just that. 


This course is designed for parents of neurodivergent children who are seeking to make a paradigm shift in their parenting approach. It will provide insights and strategies to help parents move away from traditional historic parenting and towards a more connected and empowering style that takes into account the unique lived experience of neurodivergent children. This course supports parents in developing skills in order to effectively connect and support their neurodivergent child.  Parents will enjoy the following content on their paradigm shift journey: 

  1. Defining their individual values 
  2. Creating a parenting mission statement guided by their values 
  3. Gain knowledge in actively parenting from a place of psychological flexibility
  4. Developing a universal language to narrow the double empathy gap among neurotypicals and neurodivergents
  5. Helpful rules to support connection and engagement 
  6. Tools for regulation, support, effective coping strategies to alleviate fight flight or freeze
  7. A system to optimally support your child across the variability of being human to avoid dysregulation and maximize contact with joy
  8. Ideas to pull it all together on the journey towards building a unique system to support your neurodivergent and your family in valued living

Enjoy 31 days of dripped content to consume a little each day or wait until you have time to dive in! 


BCBAs at all levels can benefit from mentorship and coaching!  We are ever-growing and changing, just like the individuals we serve.  If you want to grow your competencies with your current population or dip your toes into psychological flexibility, DNA-V, complex case conceptualization, or The Happy Medium Approach we can dive in!


Do you want your practice to shine?  Honor human rights?  Truly develop individualized programming for the people you serve and watch them move towards their values?

If you are a DTT, NET, PRT, PF, or other style, the flexible frameworks in The Happy Medium Practice can provide you with the structure to support your clients, families, and team members in progressing towards their values!  Use Happy Medium Language to narrow the perspective gap amongst people.  Honor the variability that is being human while supporting both the individual and the group they exist in!


Maybe you haven't found the right kind of support just yet.  Nothing is quite the right fit.  It supports part of you, but not all of you.  Or maybe you haven't found anything at all.  The Happy Medium Coaches are ready to dig in next to you and build a support program that works for you.  All of you!  Incorporating things you know that work and stepping together into the new spaces that might turn out to be help!